
The human body has always held a fascination for me.  High school
biology class was the first time I had the feeling of remembering
something I already knew, not learning it for the first time.  Years later, this happened in the study of Jin Shin Jyutsu. 

This ongoing study of the human body has led to being an advocate for human health. Throughout the years, my life work has included teaching middle school home economics, co-owning and working in a natural foods restaurant, studying Jin Shin Jyutsu and Feng Shui.  My 28 years as a massage therapist have helped me first hand to discover how the body reacts to different ingredients.

Red Rose Lotions Potions Hand Crafted Lotions made in the Rocky Mountains by Sandra McMannis

All the Red Rose products are organic and made with the purest
ingredients available. I have found that this helps restore the
body/mind and spirit to its original healthy state of being.

Sandy McMannis